Last week we started to unwind this beautiful thing called PURPOSE.
Together, we started to layout the discovery of what drives you by simply looking at the life you have been creating.
Today, we are going to look at your life in a bit more detail.
We are going to look at it from a very specific perspective.
We are going to look at it from love.

Interesting, right!
Can you imagine your purpose in life would come from any other place than love?
Maybe it is love of chaos, but it is love, nonetheless! : )
Maybe it is love of logic or freedom or truth.
It doesn’t matter. Your purpose will eventually align with your love of something.
Is it even possible to be driven by something you’re not interested in or bored with?
I don't think so!
I mean being driven by something you hate would even imply that you hate it because it is in opposition of something you love.
Whoa! That's amazing! I mean really! It is!
Right now, in this moment I want to acknowledge something extremely important.
I want you to know that YOU are indeed driven by love.

You are welcome. : )
But how is this love used to catapult you forward in life!
Okay, so now….let’s take a look at what you love.
So, I ask you….
What do you love?
Just to give you a little direction, here’s the definition.
LOVE n. 1. an intense feeling of deep affection.
So, for what do you have an intense feeling of deep affection?
(Take your time.)
Thinking of things you like, but not love?
Well, I get it. The idea of loving life or many aspects of it can sometimes seem difficult. Life can be too harsh or too sad or too disappointing for there to be much love in it.
Let me help you out. Think of a place you love. It could be the beach, the mountains, your home. How about a person (mom, spouse, kids)? What about a thing (stuffed panda bear, a book, or your favorite food)? It can be anything...a feeling, a song, or a store.
I want you to tap into that place of love.
I want you to swim around in this feeling.
