Okay, so we’ve spent a few weeks looking over our lives in hopes of identifying that driving force within ourselves we call purpose.
This is a big deal!
Very few people ever really step back and do what you have done, so I want to say to you, “Very Well Done!”
But there is more, so let's keep going. You're so close!
There is something that you do every day of your life that ultimately defines your purpose. I wonder if you have noticed it and if so, I wonder if you understand the incredible value of it?
What is it?
It is quite simply your ability to help.
Interesting, eh?
How you help does more to define your purpose than anything else. We often look at our helping of others as a detour as opposed to a very significant part of our path.
So, let's take a closer look at this wonderful thing called help.

What are you aiming to do when you help? I know, I know. You just want to help. But what does "help" mean?
Interesting question, right?
Let’s check out the many different definitions of help.
1: to give assistance or support
3a: to be of use to : BENEFIT
b: to further the advancement of : PROMOTE
4a: to change for the better
All wonderful definitions!
So, now that you have those definitions clear in your mind, tell me, in your daily life, what does “help” mean to YOU?
Think about it.
The way you help others is a very personal thing. Remember, it’s part of your path. It's not a detour.
Helping your child prepare for school is part of your life. How you help your child prepare for school is a defining part of your purpose.
Is it all becoming more clear to you now?
Are you ready to continue?
Now that you've had a chance to think about help in your own personal way, let's look at how you have helped others.
Look at your daily life and identify those moments when you helped (the definition that rings true for you) someone or something. When you think about it, it's in almost every action you take every single day.
So, what did you do to help?
What was the action?

Thanks Annie! I can feel the Help!!!!!